Wednesday, February 16, 2011

4 Pounds Up

So...I lost a ton of weight last year. Not a ton, really, just 45 pounds. But lately, it's been creeping back up. The funny thing is I don't think it has anything to do with baking because I foreswore baking anything sweet during the month of January (trying to help peeps at work out with their resolutions). I've been doing what I call "desperation eating" for the past couple of weeks. It goes kind of like this. I'm in the pantry, putting dishes away and all of a sudden, my brain screams "FEED ME NOW!" So I tell my brain to shut up and pop a couple of dried cherries into my mouth just to appease it a little. A couple of dried cherries is no big deal, right? Maybe 20 calories tops and I am almost always way under my calorie count for the day. Sure, no big deal, unless I'm doing it several times a day...which lately I've been doing.

I have to burn 14,000 more calories than I intake to lose those 4 pounds. Fourteen thousand calories. (It's more impressive written out.) I'm hoping I can do it in 3 weeks, but it could take much longer. Is a couple of dried cherries a pop really worth it? Not even remotely. I threw the dried cherries away and am keeping kitchen time to a minimum. Unless I'm baking of course. For some reason, I'm never hungry when I'm baking and I almost never eat what I bake. (Dunno why, I just don't really enjoy it that much.)

On that note, Baking Boot Camp is this weekend! Rick got me a present for Christmas: a three-day Baking Boot Camp put on by The Chopping Block. Most of the stuff we're going over I already know how to do, but it will be nice to hopefully learn some cheats and new techniques. I'll be at the Merchandise Mart Chopping Block 10am-4pm Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Of course, pictures and experiences will be posted to this blog sometime next week.

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