Friday, July 8, 2011

Oh, hai!

So, it's summer again, which means gardening season and not baking, right? Erm...not entirely. See, we sort of skipped over spring entirely and what I mean by that is that we couldn't get our veggie plants in the ground for fear of frost until early June. Yes, that's right, peeps--early June. That's the latest we've ever planted and I'm nervous that this growing season is going to be a complete bust. Our plants are growing, but not that much.

It's disappointing, too, because we finally got the landscaper out to rid us of some extra boxwoods, a lilac that was "in the way" and an arbor vitae that was beautiful, but also a major sunblocker. We've essentially doubled our growing space. Normally, this would be a source of major excitement (I still secretly hope to convince the hubs to remove ALL of the landscaping from the backyard and maybe put in a greenhouse along the north fence so we an keep growing cold weather veggies all winter), but we had a cool June and--so far--a very dry July.

To compound matters further, the normally reliable Twins are having just an awful season (comparably) and the Cubs are still employing Jim Hendry. So, I'm having a hard time rooting for baseball this season, either.

But I am still baking! Marcus still needs his bread and I've got to get through a dozen eggs a week (through our CSA), so that will have to take the place of therapeutic weeding...though there's plenty of that to be done this weekend. Yay.

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