Saturday, December 18, 2021

Gus and His Incredible Westward Adventure

This is Gus. He is a Greyhound. He is handsome and klutzy and...not exactly the brightest bulb in the box. He has never been further west than Kansas City and he is about to embark on a huge adventure.
This is what the majority of our house looks like right now. (No, we're not Dexter.) We are doing a major home renovation that requires us to move out...for six months. It's a long story, but the result is that we're going to be out for 3 months longer than we thought. We will be spending that time in Arizona and California so we can be close to family members that we haven't seen much in the past two years (get vaxxed, wear a mask, maintain social distancing or we're never getting through this, folx). Also, its warmer there.

Gus has never seen the desert. He doesn't know what a cactus is. Jackrabbits are significantly bigger than the bunnies he chases around here. We think its going to be grand adventure.

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