Saturday, May 2, 2009

Landscaping to May 2009

Our backyard in bloom

So far this year, this is what's happened to our landscaping: We pulled out the Russian Sage. Roots rotted on that one, too. It's too bad because I loved the look of the plant and the smell was divine. I'm considering replanting it next year, but I want a chance to try and control the decorative grass in that area, first and figure out a way to make the soil drain better. We divided up the Lavender in the middle island and planted it so everything was nice and symetrical. We separated the Seedum because it was so big last summer the stalks fell over. We got the two trees from the yard that belongs to our neighbor to the south (Pam) cut down so they no longer hang over our fence, shading our vegetable garden. It's drastically reduced the number of squirrels we've seen in our yard since their means of escape from our "vicious" dog Ruthie is now limited.

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